Why we do what we do

Whenever you're present, whenever your mind stops thinking about the past or trying to find salvation in the future, you see the goodness around you. You see the beautiful flowers, feel the warm sun rays on your arm, or hear the laughter in the background. Coffee has the power to stop us from thinking for a moment so that we can appreciate what's around us.
We know that the destination and the current step are one. If you really think about it, you will realize that when you get to your destination, you will experience it like your current step. So, in essence, life is one journey. That's why we call ourselves "Viaje," which is Spanish for journey.
For us, there is only ever this current step, so we focus intensely on it. When the coffee reaches you and you experience it in the now, you can taste and sense all the hard work the farmers put into growing the coffee.